Research shows that dryer vent fires are costly.
• An estimated 2,900 clothes dryer fires in residential buildings are reported to U.S. fire departments each year and cause an estimated 5 deaths, 100 injuries, and $35 million in property loss.
• Clothes dryer fire incidence in residential buildings was higher in the fall and wintermonths, peaking in January at 11 percent.
• Failure to clean (34 percent) was the leading factor contributing to the ignition of clothes dryer fires in residential buildings.
• Dust, fiber, and lint (28 percent) and clothing not on a person (27 percent) were, by far, the leading items first ignited in clothes dryer fires in residential buildings. Fifty-four percent of clothes dryer fires in residential buildings were confined to the dryer.
Vol.13, Issue 7 - Aug. 2012
Consumer Report. org:
Improper dryer vents are a much bigger and more common safety problem. Here are a few tips to keep your clothes dryer running safely and efficiently.
• Use metal dryer ducts to help prevent dryer fires. Consumer Reports says that flexible dryer ducts made of foil or plastic are the most problematic because they can sag and let lint build up at low points. Ridges can also trap lint. Metal ducts, either flexible or solid, are far safer because they don't sag, so lint is less likely to build up. In addition, if a fire does start, a metal duct is more likely to contain it. See our dryer venting safety report for more tips as well as photos and a dryer-venting video.
• No matter which kind of duct you have, you should clean it regularly. In addition, remove the visible lint from the lint screen each time you use your dryer. This not only will reduce the risk of a fire, but your clothes will dry faster and your dryer will use less energy. If dryer film is a worry, there is certainly no harm in occasionally cleaning the lint filter with warm soapy water and a small brush.
• Clean inside, behind, and underneath the dryer, where lint can also build up.
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Dryer Vent Cleaning Could Save Your Home Or Even Your Life!
Many Dryers Are Replaced Because the Vent is Clogged, Only After The New Dryer Fails Does The Dryer Duct Get Cleaned Out. That's Why Dryer Manufacturers Recommend a Yearly Cleaning Of The Dryer Duct To Prevent Premature Failures.
How Do You Know if You Need To Clean Your Dryer Vent?
Answer This Question.
When Was The Last Time You Cleaned Your Dryer Vent.?
If your answer was longer than a year or never then you need to have your dryer vent profesionallly cleaned and inspected.
Is The Top of Your Dryer Very Hot?
If it is, then ask your self this question, when was the last time you had your dryer vent cleaned, if it was over a year then get it cleaned. Inspect and clean the dryer vent to see if that is the problem. When you have your dryer vent cleaned you are saving lives, saving money, protecting your biggest investment which is your home and your also doing your local community a service.
Dryer Vent Cleaning is Preventive Maintenance. Homeowners should also check to make sure that the dryer duct connected to the dryer is aluminum, many dryer's are improperly vented with vinyl duct's which causes a fast burn. Dryer Vent Cleaning Should be Inspected For Blockages Every 6 Months And Cleaned Every 12 Months.
Lint Buildup Takes More Energy (Money) To Dry Your Clothes - If your dryer isn't drying your clothes like it used to, you probably don’t need a new dryer – just a standard or pressurized mechanical dryer vent cleaning! A dryer vent clogged with lint reduces airflow so your dryer can't dry clothes as efficiently or quickly as it used to. An inefficient dryer uses more energy, thereby costing you more money. Dryer vent cleanings save you money.